How to Incorporate or Register Your Business


How to incorporate or register your company anywhere in Canada
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What is NUANS?

NUANS is the deciding factor in determining whether a company name is in use or not


NUANS stands for Newly Updated Automated Name Search.

NUANS is an advanced search system that searches corporate and business registries across Canada, with over 8,000,000 records of corporation names, business names and trademarks.

In order for you to register or incorporate your business, a NUANS Report is required by the Federal & most provincial governments.

NUANS Reports are used to determine the availability of a corporate/business name.

Clients search the NUANS database and listing for any similar or possibly confusing existing corporation names, business names and trademarks to make sure that no one else has already registered the corporate or business name, or trademark you plan to use for your business.

NUANS reports are valid for 90 days from their date of submission.

There are different types of NUANS reports, geared towards different jurisdictions (i.e. provinces) or Canada.

NUANS reports for incorporations must be for the relevant jurisdiction (Federal or desired province) and must be a "reservation" type report. NUANS  Pre-Searches

To avoid performing repeated NUANS reports (which can be expensive), a "pre-search" of the NUANS database is available.

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Incorporation is easy. or register your partnership or sole proprietorship

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Order A NUANS Report Yourself

The NUANS report is a list of existing corporate and business names, as well as trademarks, that are similar to the one you want to use. The government issued report is fast, accurate and cheap.

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